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Hypnosis For Permanent Weight Loss Podcast

May 27, 2020

Sure, the diet has its own merit. It creates structure and discipline. Following rules for not eating certain foods give you that increased energy to be more productive. But you should be aware that when you fall off your routine of constantly keeping up with giving up a certain food, that’s when an emotional crisis...

May 20, 2020

Freedom is what makes human beings feel alive. When this is restricted human nature would want to rebel at it. This is where portion control when it comes to dieting takes its notion. It’s never an easy path much more when you don’t clearly and deeply know why you are doing so in the first place. When you decide to...

May 13, 2020

Why do self-awareness and clarity about what you want matter? Our decisions and choices in life are influenced by what society dictates. And this leads us to question ourselves if we are doing the right thing prompting us to beat ourselves, That is, being hard on ourselves by doing the rigid and strict steps just so we...

May 6, 2020

The fact is that when you drink too much alcohol you will lose your inhibition. This then contributes to a diet mentality wherein you are not able to stick to whatever food plan you have in place. When we associate permanent weight loss to alcohol we have to take into account the subconscious reasons why we can’t say...