Jul 26, 2022
This is often where we get it all wrong, finding someone to complete us. And this is where the problem lies because we often rely on another person to constantly fill that emotional void we should have worked on ourselves first.
When that brokenness in us is not healed yet, it manifests in our relationships. Most often,...
Jul 18, 2022
What are all these alcoholism, food, and body weight issues doing to your peace of mind and freedom?
After all these years of trying to lose weight, you're again back at it, gaining more than what you've lost. And the cycle goes on, and here you are, feeling you're never getting away from it for the rest of your life.
Jul 11, 2022
Somehow, even when we act and decide to do specific actions based on an empowered choice, we still have that scarcity mindset at the back of it.
We want to make things happen all at once, and our mind keeps wandering off to doing and thinking things that sabotage a slow but sure transformation we want for ourselves.
Jul 4, 2022
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